A NU way of thinking about total male health that can best be described as alternative nude wellness, exclusively for men. Created by Jason Wimberly after twenty years in the fitness industry, NUWORLD represents a NU collection of scientifically backed thinking and understandings that the traditional fitness industry has long ignored. We believe movement is medicine, nudity is healing, and nature is necessary. The human body is a divine vessel and we each possess a true inner oracle that holds the answers to the questions we seek. When we become disconnected from our bodies, we are then disconnected from our innate intuitive strengths. The power is already inside of you, and our goal is to remind you of your strength by eliminating anything unnecessary, including your pants. The work we do is rooted in the Three Pillars of Male Wellness: Movement, Meditation, and Masturbation. We practice daily and often. When we remove the things that separate us, we are able to come together and connect more deeply to ourselves, the world around us, and each other. There should be no shame in embracing the human body as it is, and there should be no shame in our most primal selves. The work we do is self-care. Self-care is love, and love is self-care. The key is always LOVE. Are you ready to fall in love with yourself again? |
Our understanding of the human body is always expanding, and there is no lack of information on the internet to support a myriad of inventive ideas. While there are literally infinite ways to train the human body based on your desired goals, it can be daunting to sift through the constant misinformation online to figure out what is best for you. While #fitness is the third largest hashtag category on TikTok with over 56 billion posts in 2020, a recent study found that 98% of all nutrition content on the app to be inaccurate, partially inaccurate, or lacking scientific evidence. Only 2% was true.
NUWORLD is driven by science backed evidence and guided by a caring and attentive industry leader who is committed to the truth.
NUWORLD is driven by science backed evidence and guided by a caring and attentive industry leader who is committed to the truth.
The book is finally here. Get your digital copy today.
Join a BALL YOGA class, live-streaming in February.
Like podcasts? Listen to Jason Wimberly on Naked Men Talking with Gareth Johnson. Just click the image above.

From The Naked Trainer to NUWORLD, read about Jason Wimberly's journey on OUTSPORTS. Click the image above.
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