A book for all men who love masturbation.
It's finally here! The digital download of my new book, HOMOSOCIAL: Bonded Through Cock. Join me as I share personal stories, untold truths, and gorgeous photos all in honor of one of man's favorite pastimes, jerking off. Go beyond a quick wank, and learn to see masturbation in a whole NU light. After decades working with the human body, and having produced 18 nude wellness events for men, Jason Wimberly is determined to convince us all of the ways men stand to benefit from embracing mindful masturbation as a regular practice, especially in a group setting. In his constant quest to help men release shame surrounding their natural form, Wimberly unabashedly presents a clear and concise celebration of the human cock. Enjoy real unedited stories from his community, and one particularly personal section where Wimberly draws cock portraits of his friends and family.
Your digital download does not expire and will stay available on this page. Print versions of the book, merch, and an upcoming gallery show and release party are planned for March in Los Angeles. If you purchase the digital download, you will be the first to learn about upcoming projects and events. Preview pages provided are censored.
- Over 90 full color photos featuring nude men, shot in collaboration with Jordan Service
- 200 pages of cock-centric entertainment
- 18 original hand drawn cock portraits
Your digital download does not expire and will stay available on this page. Print versions of the book, merch, and an upcoming gallery show and release party are planned for March in Los Angeles. If you purchase the digital download, you will be the first to learn about upcoming projects and events. Preview pages provided are censored.